The best Affiliate Links for Bloggers

Affiliate Marketing is the next best thing that can change your life for the better. In this guide, I will break down what Affiliate Marketing is, how to start Affiliate Marketing, the tools you need to succeed in Affiliate Marketing and a guide to Affiliate links for bloggers.

What is Affiliate Marketing for Travel Bloggers?

Affliate links for Bloggers | Travel

The simple definition of Affiliate Marketing is that you are connecting products, services and brand to your audience and if your audience successfully clicks on your affiliate link, you get paid a commission for leading your audience to a product.

As a travel blogger, the opportunities out there are limitless.
From hotels to flights to fashion brands to electronic brands to digital products to beauty products, a travel brand can incorporate many affiliate links seamlessly with their content.

How to Start Affiliate Marketing

Starting Affiliate Marketing is one of the best decisions you can make. Not only will you be determined to share more useful content, but you will also always have the opportunity to get paid for products and services that you already use and love.

To start Affiliate Marketing, you can sign up for Affiliate Marketing networks. Some of the popular ones are:

CJ Affiliate

There are also individual affiliate marketing companies and the best way to find them is through Google. All you have to do is to type in Affiliate Marketing + products and you will discover companies that are not associated with any network. In some cases, the companies not associated with any affiliate marketing networks pays better.

To start Affiliate Marketing as a blogger, click on Awin and follow the instructions. Awin requires a £5 set up fee which is refunded to you once you make a commission.

Tools needed to succeed in Affiliate Marketing as a Travel Blogger

Many will take an oath to say Affiliate Marketing is dead and worked well about 5 years ago. The truth is many people do not understand Affiliate Marketing, they have not taken a comprehensive course or training on Affiliate Marketing and many do not have a thorough Keyword search tool. Here are the tools that will help you succeed in your blogging career as an affiliate Marketer.

  • Grammarly

In order to succeed in Affiliate Marketing as a travel blogger, your content is key. Writing content is a skill that you will master after a period of time. In order to ace this process, use Grammarly.

Grammarly is a simple tool that helps eliminate grammar errors, improves the readability of your content and suggests better words for your content. It is brilliant at discovering plagiarism and you can also check your content against this. Grammarly is free to use however, you can sign up for the premium service if you wish to.

Grammarly also has a chrome extension which means that it automatically checks every single thing you write on your computer and correct them accordingly.

Sign up for Grammarly here.

  • Hosting

Your journey to blogging should start with a great hosting service. I recommend iPage for there brilliance in Hosting.

Their support team is amazing and you can always rely on them for any technical issues you might.

Sign up for iPage here.


  •  Email Service

Having a good email marketing service in place is one of the best ways to succeed in Affiliate Marketing.

It means you are reaching people through email regularly. 

Use GetResponse. As the name suggests, you will get responses from your audience every time you sent out a mail.

GetResponse has a webinar feature, newsletter templates and an e-commerce feature which works seamlessly with your digital products.


How to promote your affiliate links

When you become an affiliate marketer, you must be prepared to sell shamelessly. 
Here are some ways to promote your business as an affiliate marketer.

Social Media – Use social media networks where you have the biggest networks. For me, Instagram is my go-to social media network. Read my post on how to earn money on Instagram as a travel blogger here.


Do you want to learn more?


Read my post on What is a travel blogger paid.







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